Option #1: Purchase your license from us the morning of your trip.

If time won’t allow for you to buy a license before your trip, we can sell you a license when you arrive for your fishing trip. We can also provide catch record cards for Salmon & Steelhead to go along with those licenses, for those under 15 years old, and for licenses that were purchased and printed online. If you are crabbing on one of our trips you must purchase a shellfish license from a full-service dealer (see stores below).

License fees, day of: Resident or Non-Resident one-day fishing license – $10.00, catch record cards are free.

Option #2: Purchase your license online (at least 10 in-advance because catch record card is mailed).

Our license year goes from April 1st – March 31st. If you are fishing with us between January 1st and March 31st and need to buy a license, you need to select the prior year to get the correct license.

License fees: Resident one day fresh/salt/combo $11.35, Non-Resident $20.15, catch record cards are free BUT must be requested at time of purchase.

You will be able to print a temporary license from home after you purchase online. You will NOT be able to receive a catch record online.  Be sure to purchase at least 10 days in advance if purchasing online. The regular copy of your license and catch record card will be mailed to you within two weeks.

Please make sure you ask for a Salmon, Steelhead, halibut, and Sturgeon catch record card.

WDFW Online Licensing

Option #3: Purchase your license in person from a dealer.

Washington State fishing licenses and crab licenses can be bought in our state at any Wal-MartFred Meyer, or Ace Hardware locations, as well as our local tackle and marine stores:

Please make sure you ask for a Salmon, Steelhead, halibut, and Sturgeon catch record card.